Apr 26, 2021
It's tempting to think you can't (or shouldn't) lead when you don't have a leadership title. But that's 100% NOT the case! In this episode, Chad shares four ways you can lead before you've earned a leadership title.
Apr 19, 2021
Drama belongs on the big screen, not the workplace. Gossip, petty arguments and such interfere with getting work done and make any workplace a bad place to work. In this episode, Chad shares four ways you can drain drama from your workplace.
Apr 12, 2021
Strong leaders do more than provide questions; they also ask the right questions. In this episode, Chad shares what is perhaps the best question a leader can ask, a question that reduces anxiety, focuses on outcomes, and helps create lasting results.
Apr 5, 2021
Some people think being a leader is all about the rewards and sense of accomplishment. The truth is, being a leader requires significant sacrifices. In this episode, Chad shares three important sacrifices every strong leader must make.